HarmonySite integrates easily with your group's Facebook page.  You enable this integration by entering the URL (web address) of your Facebook page into the HarmonySite system.  When you do so...

  • A Facebook icon will be added to the right-hand side of the coloured bar across the top of the page (visible only if you're not logged in)
  • A Facebook icon will be added to the "footer" of your site, in the Social section
  • Your Facebook group's "wall" (list of posts/articles/stories) will be reproduced in miniature on the right-hand side of many of your public-facing pages.

Note that you can only connect to Facebook “pages”, not Facebook “groups”.

To integrate your HarmonySite with your Facebook page...

  1. Log into your HarmonySite as an administrator

  2. Click the little "cog" icon in the top-right corner

  3. Click the cog icon next to the entry on that page marked as your Primary Ensemble

  4. Click the Promotion tab

  5. Towards the bottom of the tab is a section called Social Media, with a field called Facebook page.  Copy-and-Paste the URL (web address) of your Facebook page into this field.  Important:  Be sure to remove the https:// from the beginning of the address.  Also remove any "?" character in the URL and everything after it.
  6. Click Save at the bottom when done.