Administration of members begins on the Member List page.  Reach this page via the Member Database icon on the main Members page.  The Member List page lists various subsets of the members of your organisation. A series of tabs is displayed across the top of the page.  Each tab is represents a "member grouping" - a subset of your entire member database.

In the image below, the tab called Regular Members (a member grouping, a subset of members) is currently highlighted, meaning that the page currently lists all members in that particular subset.  The other tabs (member groupings, subsets) available on that page are Regular Members, Active Singers, and Members and Helpers.  Each can be clicked on to show that subset of members.

If you are unsure as to how a particular subset of members is derived, you can click on the "update" icon immediately to the right of the name of each tab.  The page you are taken to will list all the criteria of that particular member grouping.

Clicking on the More... tab takes you to the Member Groupings page, where all your member groupings are listed (not just the ones designated to display on the Member List page).

On this page it is also possible to list the entire member database, which may include former members, or people that are not members at all, such as suppliers, supporters, helpers, etc.  Simply click the Entire database link in the top-left corner of the Member List page, circled in the image below..

The various headings below the member grouping tabs can be clicked on to present the current subset of members in different ways... 

  • List - Members in this subset are presented in a simple list format, showing their most useful details (their name, phone number, email address, etc).  If you want to view all the details of a member (their profile page), click the member's last name .  If you're looking for a specific member, and they are not immediately visible, you have a couple of options for finding them...
    • Click the First / Prev / Next / Last buttons (or any of the numbered buttons) in the bottom-right corner of the list to view more of the members in this grouping
    • Use the Search box in the top-right corner of the list to search for a member by their first name, last name, email address, or phone number.  
  • Photos - Members in this subset are presented as a photo gallery, each photo coming from the member's profile page (specifically their membership record).  Clicking on their name or photo takes you to the member's profile page.
  • Map - The home addresses of all members in the subset are plotted on an interactive map.  If a member doesn't have a home address in their profile, nothing is shown for them.  The location of your regular meeting venue (e.g. your rehearsal venue) is also shown on the map, with a different coloured pin.
  • Emails - The email addresses of all members in the subset that have one are listed in several ways, for easily emailing all members in bulk.  However, this tab is generally not used very often.  There are more convenient ways to email all members in a subset, such as creating a mailing list for them.
  • CSV - Export the complete details (not just what's shown on this page) of all members in the subset to a CSV file.  A CSV file can be opened in Microsoft Excel or similar programs.
  • Bulk update - This facility is generally only used when you're setting up your HarmonySite for the first time.  It allows you to adjust the membership and participation details of all member in the subset in one action.

Searching for a member

There are a number of ways to search for a specific member from your database:

  1. In the top-left corner of every page is a member quick-search box, shown here...

    This searches the entire member database. Type a member name (or part thereof) or an email address or phone number into this field, and then click the Search button.  You'll be taken to the Member List page, with any matching members displayed.

  2. On the Member List page, there is also an Advanced search option, which allows you to search for members by criteria, similar to the criteria used in member groupings.. To access this, click on the Advanced Search link at the top of the Member List page (circled below)...

    This will display the Advanced Member Search page, shown here..

    This gives the option of searching for members by various criteria.  Enter the criteria you wish to search by, then click the List button at the foot of the page to display the members that matched the criteria you selected, as follows...

    The tab in the top-left corner (circled, above) indicates that the members listed are the results of a search. Additionally, when a search is based on criteria from the Advanced Search page, a "Save" icon is visible immediately to the right of the word Search Results, which allows the search criteria you entered to be saved as a new member grouping.  Clicking on this "Save" icon displays a Member Grouping details page that is already pre-populated with the search criteria you used in your advanced search. All that is required, in order to create a new member grouping with these criteria, is to add a Name for the new grouping, and then click Save at the foot of the page.


Each Member's profile page

All details kept for a member are available via the member's profile page.  The information on a member's profile page is in several sections...

The top half of the page shows the member's personal details - everything about the member as a person (independent of their relationship to your club/chapter/organisation)...

An administrator (or the member themselves) can update the member's personal details by clicking the Update member details button (circled above) below the member’s name. This displays the Member Details page for the member. All Member details (Personal, Contact and Sponsor details) can be updated from that page.

The bottom half of the page contains all the information about the member's relationship to your organisation.  This includes their membership details (their relationship to your club/chapter/etc), their (active) participation details (any active relationship they may have to your various ensembles), and their website login details (their relationship to your website, including their access privileges).  Each set of information is presented in a separate tab, as follows...

Each of these tabs contains its own Update button, allowing you to change that particular set of details.

If this member participates in one of your ensembles, and there is no tab present on this page containing the details of that participation, then you can create a new participation for the member for that ensemble, via the Add ensemble participation button below the member’s name at the top of the page (circled, below)...

Deleting a Member or Terminating their Membership

When a member leaves your group, you naturally want to remove them from the list of active members in the database.  You may believe that "deleting" the member is the best choice here, but we don't recommend that.  Instead, we recommend that you "terminate their membership", which leaves them in the system but marks them as inactive/former and removes their ability to log into the website, amongst other things.  Deleting a member entirely is more drastic - all historical record of the member's existence are removed from your site, including their attendance records, membership invoices, records of purchases or downloads of copyrighted files, etc.  This could interfere with the accuracy of those historical records.

There are exceptions to this, of course.  If the member was added by accident, or is a "test" member, etc, then it's perfectly safe and reasonable to delete them.

Terminating or deleting a member is done from the member's profile page, via buttons at the top of the page:

To terminate a membership, click on the Terminate Membership button.  It is safe to do this at any time, even if you are simply wondering what the button does.  This is because the termination doesn't happen immediately that you click the button.  Instead, you are taken to a page that shows you what the system would do if you were to continue with the termination...

Each action listed has an associated tickbox, and all actions are ticked by default.  If you don't believe that one of those actions should be taken during the termination process, then simply untick the box before you click the Terminate Membership button at the bottom of that page.

If you decide that you really do want to permanently delete a member from your system, then click the Delete member button at the top of the page.  You'll be taken to another page that outlines the reasons why we don't recommend that you delete members...

On that page you can confirm that you really do want to delete the member, or opt to simply terminate their membership instead.



  • Unfortunately the Delete Member button is not available on the websites of chapters/clubs that are part of a parent body that also uses HarmonySite. Such parent bodies include BHA, BHNZ, SABA, various SAI regions, etc. The reason is that the parent body also needs access to the details of the member you want to delete, so no one chapter/club is allowed to remove a member. Having said that, if the member was created in error, or is a test member, you can contact us at, and we'll delete it for you.
  • The Delete Member button is only visible to users with "Webmaster" access. Someone with "Data Administration Access" will not see the button.