Note: This article does not apply to you if your HarmonySite is a "members area-only" site.

Is your HarmonySite ready for the public? If so, stop using the original "" address and connect your regular domain name!

(What is a domain name? A domain name is an address like "", "", or "". When people want to visit these addresses, the computer has to know where to "find" the website. The Domain Name System is like a set of signposts which tell computers where to go – connecting your domain is like pointing the signposts in the right direction.)

It's really straightforward to go live with your HarmonySite! First of all, you need to check if we manage your domain name. If you're not sure whether we manage your domain name, just ask us!

  • If we manage your domain name, then you don't have to bother with anything – just tell us when you want to go live!
  • If we don't manage your domain name, then you need to make one change yourself – read on for more…

To make this change, you'll need to go to your Domain Name Provider. This is a company such as GoDaddy, Hover, or Google Domains – basically, the people you pay a yearly fee to in order to have your domain name. If you can't remember which company you're registered with, you can ask us to help: we may be able to find out for you.

1) First of all, go to your Domain Name Provider's website and log in to your account.

2) Then, look for a setting called Nameservers or Delegation. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly where to find this, as it'll be different with every company! But I can show you one example – in Hover, your Nameservers might look like this:

3) Once you've found this, that's the hardest part done! Now, you just need to change it to point to HarmonySite. To do this, edit the nameservers…

…and replace anything that's already there with:


Then, it should look similar to this:

4) If there's a "Save" button, make sure to click it!

5) Once you've done this, let us know so we can update our records. Then, after a few hours, the connection should be complete and your HarmonySite will be live at your domain!

(Why does this take a few hours? Remember how the Domain Name System is like a set of signposts – well, this is like someone going round replacing all the old signs with new ones. As a result, it can take a few hours for all the "signposts" to be up-to-date.)

Have you already gone live?

If you've already connected your domain name, then congratulations!

We recommend that you stop using the "" address, and only use your proper domain name from now on. If you've paid for an SSL certificate, then this will only work for your proper domain.

If you want, you can even ask us to delete the old "" address – it's not necessary anymore.