Access Levels are one way to control who can see what content on your site. (If you want to read more about this, you can check our help guide on Understanding Access Levels.)

As a webmaster, you may want to check how a page will look for a normal member. You could make a "test" user with "Regular Member Access", and log in to this account when you want to check, but there's a simpler way!

In the top-right corner, you'll see a row of 4 icons. The second icon in this row looks like a key:

If you hover over the key (move your cursor over it, without clicking), you'll see a little menu pop up like this:

This lets you pretend to change your Access Level. For example, you can click "Regular Member Access" to test how the page looks for a normal member. When you're done, simply go back to the "key" icon and click Webmaster Access again.

(There's no option for Data Administration Access here, because this is different for every user, depending on the exact permissions they have. As such, it's not possible to test Data Administration Access from this menu.)