Checkout questions allow you to gather more information from people making a booking/purchase/donation on your HarmonySite.
This guide will cover:
- How to create new checkout questions
- Adding checkout questions to Events
- Adding checkout questions to Merchandise
- Adding checkout questions to Donations
- Adding checkout questions to Singing Valentines
- Viewing summaries of checkout questions
1. How to create new checkout questions
To start with, your HarmonySite has three checkout questions built in. These are:
- Any special dietary requirements?
- How did you hear about this event?
- What name would you like printed on the T-shirt?
If you want to add your own checkout question, follow these steps...
- Click the "Admin" link in the top-right corner to go to your Admin dashboard.
- Scroll down to the Financials section and click "Checkout Questions" on the right-hand side:
- This will take you to the "Questions Administration" page.
- Click "Add new question" in the upper-right corner.
- Type in the question here:
- Select whether the question is compulsory:
- This option lets you control whether the question should be per booking, or per item.
For example, if you want to ask "How did you hear about us?", then you'd probably want to ask it once per booking.
However, if you're asking "What name do you want on the T-shirt?", you'd likely want to ask it once per item (for each individual T-shirt). - Select which access level is needed to see this question.
For example, this lets you ask a question for members, but not the general public. - You can enter additional information here.
This will be shown in the checkout process, and also in the order confirmation email. - Select the type of question:
Here are some examples of what you can do with each option:- Simple, short response:
- Comprehensive response:
- Numeric response:
- Multiple-choice tick-boxes:
- Single-choice radio buttons:
- No response required - information only
- Simple, short response:
- Click Save.
2. Adding checkout questions to Events
First of all, you'll need to set up the tickets system. For more information, see our help guide on selling tickets to events.
Once you've set up tickets for an event, you can specify checkout questions like so:
- Go to the event's page.
- Click the "Manage Tickets" link at the top of the page.
- Click the "edit" button next to one of the prices you've set up:
- Scroll down to the "Checkout Questions" section.
You'll see a list of questions like this:Questions in yellow on the left will be asked during checkout (in the order given).
The questions on the right, in blue, are the other questions you can choose from.
Drag questions from right to left to select them, and drag them up and down to re-order them.
You can choose as many questions as you want.
The questions you select here are specific to this ticket type/pricing level combination.
- The next option decides the order of the questions when you've selected multiple checkout questions and you chose "One answer per Ticket (in a 5-ticket booking, collect 5 answers)" above. [see section 1, step 7]
If you select "Question" here:...then the checkout page will look like this:
However, if you select "Ticket holder":
...then the checkout page will look like this:
- Once you've finished, click Save.
- Repeat this process for any other ticket pricings that you sell.
You may wish to ask different questions for each particular ticket pricing.
Note that there are quick links on the "Manage tickets" page for managing your checkout questions.
At the top of the page, you can click here to make a new checkout question or see your current checkout questions:
And underneath each ticket price, you can click the number here to see an overview of the selected checkout questions:
3. Adding checkout questions to Merchandise
First of all, you'll need to set up the merchandise system. For more information, see our help guide on selling merchandise.
Once you've set up merchandise, you can specify checkout questions like so:
- Go to your Merchandise page.
- Click the "Update" button for the merchandise item you want to add checkout questions to.
- Scroll down until you see a list of questions called "Ask the following questions during checkout":
Questions in yellow on the left will be asked during checkout (in the order given).
The questions on the right, in blue, are the other questions you can choose from.
Drag questions from right to left to select them, and drag them up and down to re-order them.
You can choose as many questions as you want.
- The next option decides the order of the questions when you've selected multiple checkout questions and you chose "One answer per Item (e.g. when ordering 5 T-shirts, collect 5 answers)" above. [see section 1, step 7]
If you select "Question" here:...then the checkout page will look like this:
However, if you select "Individual item":...then the checkout page will look like this:
- Once you've finished, click Save.
4. Adding checkout questions to Donations
First of all, you'll need to set up the donations system. For more information, see our help guide on accepting donations.
Once you've set up donations, you can specify checkout questions like so:
- Go to your Donate page.
- Click the "edit" button next to the donation target you want to add checkout questions to:
- Scroll down until you see a list of questions called "Ask the following questions during checkout":
Questions in yellow on the left will be asked during checkout (in the order given).
The questions on the right, in blue, are the other questions you can choose from.
Drag questions from right to left to select them, and drag them up and down to re-order them.
You can choose as many questions as you want.
- Once you've finished, click Save.
5. Adding checkout questions to Singing Valentines
First of all, you'll need to set up the Singing Valentines system. For more information, see our help guide on setting up Singing Valentines.
Once you've set it up, you can specify checkout questions like so:
- Go to your Singing Valentines page.
- Click the "Update" button for the Singing Valentines package you want to add checkout questions to:
- Scroll down until you see a list of questions called "Ask the following (extra) questions during checkout":
Questions in yellow on the left will be asked during checkout (in the order given).
The questions on the right, in blue, are the other questions you can choose from.
Drag questions from right to left to select them, and drag them up and down to re-order them.
You can choose as many questions as you want.
- Once you've finished, scroll down to the bottom and click Save.
6. Viewing summaries of checkout questions
You can always go to a booking/order/donation's page and see the answers given by that particular person. This information is also included in the emails that go out to the purchaser and the admin person.
For events, you can view a summary of answers as follows:
- Go to the event's page.
- Click the "Manage Tickets" link at the top of the page.
- Click the "Questions" tab.
- You'll see a list of responses for each question.