It's not always possible to directly edit the content of pages, because the content is generated automatically by part of the HarmonySite software.  For example, the Event Calendar page examines all the events in the HarmonySite database, and intelligently arranges them into a calendar format.  You, the site administrator, cannot interfere with this process.

However, some pages in your site have content that is 100% under your control, such as the About Us page or the History page.

To make changes to pages such as these...

  1. Log into the website as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the page that you want to change.
  3. Click on the little edit button in the bottom-right corner of the page:
  4. Click on the Content tab.  You will see a large box called Body of Page, that looks like this...
  5. You can simply start typing, formatting existing text, and/or inserting new page elements, such as links and images (via the buttons on the toolbar).
  6. Click Save at the bottom when you're done.

Reverting changes

After you've clicked Save, if you find that something doesn't look right (e.g. the page formatting has been messed up), you can revert (undo) your changes using the "Log Changes" feature:

  1. Click the "Admin" link in the top-right corner to go to your Admin dashboard.
  2. In the Website Config/Info section, click on "Log Changes":
  3. Scroll down the page. Near the bottom, you'll see a line which says "Website Pages".
    Click the link on the right that says "View":
  4. This will give you a big list of all the changes made to pages on your HarmonySite.
  5. Each line shows you the new content on the left and the old content on the right.
    If you want to undo a change – that is, restore the old value – click Revert on the right-hand side.
    (Note that you may need to scroll to the right to see the revert button.)
  6. Click OK.
  7. Once you've reverted a change, you'll see a message on the right-hand side: