It's not always possible to directly edit the content of pages, because the content is generated automatically by the HarmonySite software.  For example, the Event Calendar page examines all the events in the HarmonySite database, and intelligently arranges them into a calendar format.  You, the site administrator, cannot interfere with this process.  However, some pages in your site have content that is 100% under your control, such as the About Us page or the History page.

With pages such as these, you are able to add content, images and links. Adding content to a page is detailed here, and adding images to a page here. In this guide, we outline how to add links to a page.

  1. Log into your website as an administrator
  2. Visit the page that the link is to be added to
  3. Click the edit button in the bottom corner of the page:

  4. Click the Content tab
  5. In the big Body of Page box, select/highlight the text (or image) that you want to make a link. In the image below, we have selected the words "Gold Coast" (circled), and are going to make them into a link.

  6. Having selected the text, click on the "Link" icon in the toolbar (third icon from the right on the top-row, circled in the image above).  The Link box is displayed, as shown below, with the Link info tab displaying by default. To specify the link, we need to fill out the Protocol and URL fields on the Link Info tab,.

  7. Select the Protocol of the page. If the page you are wanting to link to is, for example, then select the protocol  http:// from the drop-down list.

  8. Enter (or paste) the URL (web address) you are wanting to link to into the URL field. As you have already specified the protocol, above, you would paste into the URL field.

  9. OPTIONAL  If you want the URL you entered to open in a new tab in your browser, instead of the current tab, then click the Target tab and select New Window (_blank) from the drop-down list.

  10. Click OK at the bottom of the Link box when you are done. You will now see the words "Gold Coast" display as a link, which links to the page you have just specified.

  11. Remember to click Save at the bottom of the page when you are done.

Uploading a File and Linking to it

Perhaps the link you want to insert into the page is to link to a document (such as a PDF), audio file (such as an MP3), etc.  If the document or file has already been uploaded to your site, then you simply copy-and-paste the full address of the document/file, as described above.  If the document/file has not yet been uploaded to your site, then replace steps 7 and 8 above with the following...

  1. After you have clicked the "Link" icon to open the Link box, click the Upload tab within that box
  2. Click the Browse/Choose File button on that tab
  3. Select the document/file from your computer, and click the Select or OK button to return to the Link box
  4. Click the Send it to the Server button.  The file is uploaded to the server at that time (which may take little while), and you are returned to the Link Info tab of the Link box
  5. [proceed with steps 9, 10, 11 above]